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Terms and Conditions

By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by the following terms of service:

'We' or 'us' below means LLC. 


'You' or 'your' below means a user of this website in any way. is not an investment advisor or registered broker/dealer.   We provide research and information - what you do with it is entirely your responsibility.


We are not and do not profess to be a professional investment advisor, and strongly encourage all readers to consult with their own fiducary financial advisors, attorneys, and accountants before making any investment decision.  We may have a position in the securities referenced.  We certainly do in the live portfolio.  By your act of reading our market research, you fully and explicitly agree that we will not be held liable or responsible for any decisions you make regarding any information discussed herein.


The information we publish is based on our opinions. Although we make every effort to provide the most accurate and updated information possible, our information cannot take into consideration your personal finances and goals, and therefore is not intended to be used as customized recommendations to buy, hold, or sell securities. Such recommendations may only be made by an advisor or broker you select.  Please demand a fiduciary.

Under no circumstances should any material in this site be construed as an offering of investment advice. The reader should consult with their professional investment advisor regarding their investments. 


By accessing this site, you agree to abide by all of the provisions in these terms in order to remain an authorized user of the services, and your use of the services constitutes your agreement to abide by these provisions. Your use of the service indicates that you are bound by these terms. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, discontinue use of the service.


Unless you have been specifically permitted to do so, you agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, or resell our services for any purpose.  That would be theft.  Doing so will result in suspension of your account and no refunds will be issued for such violations.


You agree and understand that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of usernames and passwords associated with your account you use to access our service. Accordingly, you agree that you will be solely responsible to us for all activities that occur under your account. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password or of your account, you agree to notify us immediately.


The contents of this site are provided for informational purposes only and may not, in any form or by any means, be copied or reproduced, summarized, distributed, modified, transmitted, revised or commercially exploited without our prior written permission.  You understand that all information within our service may be protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by us. You may not use, copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on this content, either in whole or in part.


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As part of the registration process, you will be required to select a username and password. You will be responsible for the confidentiality and use of your username and password and agree not to distribute, transfer or resell you use of or access to the service to any third-party.  That would be theft.  Doing so will result in suspension of your account and no refunds will be issued for such violations.


When you become a paid subscriber of our service, you will be bound by the payment terms set forth herein.


Except as set forth herein, access to the portfolio and email alerts requires payment. Rates vary. If you subscribe, you must provide accurate subscriber email information. You won't be able to change that email.  You acknowledge that you will pay us all such fees, charges, and applicable taxes for the service where enrollment in our service has been made using your credit card or other means, whether made by you personally or by someone else in your household or organization on your behalf.


You further acknowledge that your obligation to pay us all such fees, charges, and applicable taxes for our service does not depend on usage of our service, and that you remain obligated to pay us for the service regardless of whether the service is used or not. Unless you enroll as part of a free trial, your obligation to pay for the service begins on the date of your enrollment in the service, not the date of your first use of our service. If made available, free trial or free access periods to use the service also begin on the date of your enrollment in the free trial for the service, and not the date of your first use of it.


The price you pay for our service is stipulated at the time you enroll in such service, and is valid for the period for which you enrolled in the service. We reserve the right to change the price paid for a subscription after you signed up. Of course, users will be notified if such a price increase would occur.


Money-back guarantee: We will issue a full refund upon request within 30 days of being charged the first subscription fee. No refunds beyond this date will be issued.


You may cancel any subscription for our service at any time during its term. However, we do not prorate any fees, charges, or applicable taxes associated with our service upon any termination or cancellation and do not refund any such amounts for any term already charged. When you cancel your subscription, your access to your account and access to the trade alerts ends immediately after you cancel the service. There are no pro-rated refunds. Your account will be closed and you will no longer receive access to the portfolio or trade alerts, effective on the same day that you cancel your subscription.


Subscriptions are for a monthly or annual subscription terms. Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of each subscription term for another term. You agree that we may automatically renew your subscription and charge your account on the same day for the month or year after subscribing, and every subsequent period after, (the “renewal date”), unless you cancel your subscription before the next renewal date. We will automatically renew your subscription each Term on the renewal date until you cancel your subscription or we no longer offer the subscription service. This means your subscription will automatically renew. Your credit card or other form of payment will be automatically charged or debited unless you have cancelled your account.  You can cancel this automatic renewal plan at any time during your membership.  You must cancel prior to your subscription renewal date to avoid charges.  


​Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there is no guarantee as to completeness or accuracy. Because individual investment objectives vary, this should not be construed as advice to meet the particular needs of the reader. Any opinions expressed herein are statements of our judgment as of that date and are subject to change without notice.  Any action taken as a result of reading this independent market research is solely the responsibility of the reader.


You expressly agree that use of the service is at your sole risk.  Neither we nor any of our subsidiares, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, distributors or anybody else warrants that the service will be uninterupted or error free.  Nor do they make any warranty as to any results obtained from the use of the service, its accuracy, reliability, or completeness.  


The service is provided "AS IS" with no warranty express or implied.  Under no circumstances, including our gross negligence, are we responsible for anything you choose to do.  Under no circumstances shall our liability ever exceed $1 USD. Our live portfolio cannot be 100% exactly replicated in any case.  Caveat emptor.

Privacy Policy

We won't sell your information to anyone for any reason.  Stripe and Wix will have access your your contact information and billing information.  We never see your billing data and take no responsibility for it.  

Refund, Return & Cancellation

30 day money back guarantee from initial purchase. 


All subscriptions must be cancelled before the next renewal date.

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